1. Arranged GM’s schedule, data colleting and analysis, communication and crisis management2. Developed and executed communication plan for clients including press events, story pitch, media procurement, cooperation projects and spokesperson arrangements* chi hair straightener:1. Won over Harry Winston to be company’s account and maintained good relationship2. Planned and executed Longines’ annual product launch press event and chi straightener
Desired Type of Employment:Full-time
Desired Job Industry:Consumer Products(chi straighteners) Consumer Durables Wholesale/Retail Hardware/Network Equipment Software
Desired Job Category:Marketing and Sales Manager PR/Media Manager/Supervisor Product Manager/Brand Manager/Supervisor Marketing Manager/Supervisor Others
Desired City:Shanghai Beijing Hong Kong Taiwan Other Asian Countries or Regions
Desired Salary: before tax RMB
Desired Salary:Negotiable
we were dear to each other
peace in my heart
mighty desert
you miss the sun
sands in your way